Friday, December 28, 2007


Shit shit shit. My glasses just broke. Shit.

Edit: Nevermind, I fixed them. Boo yah. I'm a beast.


So Christmas was fun...I got a bunch of cool stuff. Nothing big, but I didn't ask for anything big, so I'm happy. Tonight I went to see "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat" with my family at the Media Theatre...the tickets were a Christmas gift from my dad. It was pretty good. One of the brothers was awesome...I think his name was Ari Butler, and he was hilarious. When he first came on stage, he was just really reserved and sedate looking, and I almost thought he was drunk at first, then I just realized thats how he was acting. It was amazing. He reminded me of John Belushi, who was a genius.

Breaks been fun so far, but kinda not break-ish...I've had family stuff to do every day so far, so I haven't gotten to hang out with any of my friends yet. But if anyone wants to hang out before break ends, or just like, ever, let me know. Chances are I'll be free lol


Friday, December 14, 2007


Jamming last night was fun. But nobody informed me today was "National Be A Jackass Day". This is how most of my conversations were today -

Me: Hey, what's up?
Other Person: Piss off. Why haven't you killed yourself yet? You ruin everything, I hate you.

Yeah. Needless to say, I was done with dealing with people by the time 4th block ended, so I skipped I'm trying to make plans for tonight, but Karl basically told me he didn't want to hang out with me, in so many words, so yeah...I'll probably just end up alone tonight, doing nothing. w00t.

P.S. Sorry about the ads on my page now, but Google said that if I put them on there, I can get paid, which is awesome.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cissy Strut

So its raining outside, the one day I want to walk home quick in order to get my homework done. I'm going over to Mark's in a bit to jam for a while, which is going to be a nice break from life. School I'm doing good in all of my classes, except for Latin, which I have like, a D in or something. It sucks.
Me and my family might have to start family therapy soon, because my mom is beginning to drive me and my dad crazy. She never leaves work, as my dad puts it, so she acts like she's dealing with pre-schoolers all day. And she keeps babying me and not letting me grow up. For example, last night we went to Wendy's before going to get our Christmas Tree. I decided I wanted to get a large #1, which is just a regular burger. She proceeded to tell me that I should think about if I wanted the large or not, because it was going to be a lot of food. Duh mom. Thats why I want the large - I was hungry. Then she asked me like, 4 times what I wanted on my burger, so she could tell the people, after I had already ordered, and gotten what I wanted on my burger. Yeah, its fun...not.
In good news, jazz band started on Tuesday night. Its gonna be a fun year, even though I blew my audition and got 3rd chair in the Silver Band (which I was 1st chair in last year). Le sigh. I'll have fun, though. Maybe I can get Sam to let me use his trigger trombone so I can try playing Jimmy Reese's bass trombone parts...that could be fun.

In conclusion, jazz is awesome, funk is awesome, school is lame, my family is fucked up.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Sometimes, I can only express my feelings through the use of song lyrics. Right now, the two best songs that describe my feelings are both by a man who is a genius, named Stephen Stills. I will post the two song lyrics next, and while the lyrics are amazing, the music is what makes me stop in my tracks and just listen in awe.

"Sit Down, I think I Love You" - performed by Buffalo Springfield

Sit down I think I love you
Anyway I'd like to try
I can't stop thinking of you
If you go I'll know I cry

Can't you see that I'm a desperate man
I can hide, just being around
You want to know
What they say about the bird in my hand
And that's why I ain't leaving without you

So if you want someone to love you
Pretty babe I'm your guy
It's not much I'm asking of you
Just please give me a try

"49 Bye-Byes" - Crosby, Stills, & Nash

49 reasons all in a line.
All of them good ones...
All of them lies.
Driftin' with my lady
we're oldest of friends.
Need a little work, and there's fences to mend.
Steady girl, be my world.
Till the drifter come, now she's gone.
I let that man play his hand.
I let them go, how was I to know?
I'm down on my knees.
Nobody left to please.
On my knees,
Feeling wrong.
Mama's gone
Bye bye baby
Write if you think of it maybe
Know I love you
Go if it means that much to you
But you can run babe
If the feeling's wrong
Before too long it's crazy
And you're trapped babe
And you know that's not where it's at babe
You're just seein' things through a cat's eye, baby.
That's not my old lady
Come on and tell me baby
Who do you love?
Time will tell us
Who is trying to sell us
Bye bye baby
Write if you think of it maybe.
Hey but you can run baby.
If the feeling's wrong, before too long, it's crazy.
And you'll try babe, and you'll know that's not
where' it's at now, baby.
You're just seein' things through a cat's eye, baby.

That's not my ol' lady.
Come on and tell me baby.
You better tell me baby.
Who do you, who do you love?

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Everybody I Love You!

Well, I decided to start blogging again. Lets see if I keep up with it this time. I have nothing much to say....Thanksgiving was fun. Did the norm with the family in Ohio. Kinda stressed about this history paper I have. Le sigh. I'll leave you with a kick ass CSNY song

"Winding paths through tables and glass
First flowers bloom
Now watch the Summer pass
So close to you

Too late to keep the change
Too late to pay
No time to stay the same
Too young to leave

No pass out sign on the door set me thinking
Are waitresses paying the price of their winking
While stars sit at bars and decide what they're drinking
They stop by the die because it's faster than sinking

Too late to keep the change
Too late to pay
No time to stay the same
Too late to keep the change
Too late to pay
No time to stay the same
Too young to leave

Find out that now was the answer to answers
That you gave later
She did the things that we all did before now
But who forgave her?

If I could stand to see her crying
I would tell her not to care
When she learns of all your lying
Will she join you there?

Country girl I think you're pretty
Got to make you understand
Have no lovers in the city
Let me be your country man"

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hanger 18, you know too much

So I didn't get into Silvertones. Whatevs. I got in to cantata, and I get to go on the best field trip of the year, so its all good.

Metal music is awesome.

I've (once again) switched blogs around, I might use this one a little, might not. Who knows? My newest one is back on Xanga -


Saturday, July 7, 2007

Enter The Dragon

Well, right now I'm laying on a couch in the McShane's living room, watching "Enter The Dragon", a kung-fu movie, with Brian, and writing this blog on Brendan's laptop. This movie is pretty funny, although I don't think it was intended to be. There's a very stereotypical black guy who talks in jive and has an afro. Good ol' 70s. My parents are away this weekend celebrating their 26th anniversary in New York, hence why I'm staying at the McShanes. I've had fun. I got here Thursday night, and played Gears of War with Brendan. We went to sleep around 1 A.M., and when I woke up the next morning we finished playing the game. Then we started playing some Rainbow 6, but were very frusterated by the difficulty of the game. I made a World of Warcraft character on Brendan's account...the game's alright. I see why some people can get so addicted to it. It's fun, but it's just not really my thing. Then we just chilled some, and later went out for dinner with Katie, another family friend named Becca, and one of Katie's friends from Earlham, Stephen. We went to Nifty 50's, which is always a good time. I'm staying in Laura's room, which is cool, but kind of weird, because I remember when she was still in high school, and now she's TEACHING high schoolers in San Franciscio.

Summer's been alright so far. During the weekdays, I've been going to school in the morning (8:30ish till 1ish) to help out Mr. Hontz at the Summer Band and Strings School. I've been doing mostly busy work that just needs to be done, like cleaning out the locker room, or orginizing/fileing music, but I've also been able to play alone with some of the groups when neccesary, and help out with a few of the lessons. I'm enjoying it. I'm really considering taking up a music major for college, or do smoething with music with my life. I don't think I'd like to teach it, though. Not right away, anyways. There are a lot of other things I'd prefer to do.

Speaking of college, I got my report card. It's not that great...a D+ in Math, a C+ in Latin, and I think a B- in U.S. History. I'm going to have to repeat IMP 4 this year, which means I have to drop one of my electives. :( Also, my parents arn't even going to consider me getting my driving permit until the first report thing comes home from school, which is going to be in like, October. Its lame, but I understand why they're doing it. I can't wait to drive. It is going to be FANTASTIC!

Well, I'm going to go now. Its been fun blogging. I'll update this later on this week. Bye bye.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

My head is a crazy, crazy place.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Question

Dear Silvertones Letters,

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Schools Out!

Ah, school is over today! Glorious summer! (although I stayed at school until 3 today for band stuff). It was fun, though. Even though we had to like, orginized music. At the end we got to listen to music we might play next year. Some of the songs were really cool, and some of them just kinda sucked. And there were at least 5 different Santana songs.

If anyone wants to chill this summer, lemme know. My plans include kicking it, and maybe getting a job at like, WaWa or Wendy's or something.

And remember - The Dude Abides

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Oh yeah

My power was out from 5:30 p.m. yesterday till sometime this morning. They had to rewire my whole street and stuff. It sucked.

Finally Done

I finally got my History Book done. At 2 a.m. 'Twas nuts. Finals today. Video Game Design first (which was a joke, it was 20 questions asking like, "whats a bitmap?" "whats collision detection?"), then Latin, which I think I did well on.
Then after school was the band leadership food eating/getting pumped up thing. Andrew Kalemkarian was like, the in charge guy, which was awesome, because Andrew is awesome. I use to live really close to him, before I moved, so it was cool seeing him and all. Plus, he's got these amazingly sweet mutton chops. I'm really pumped up for band, now. Which is odd, because last summer I didn't even want to do band at all. Now I'm all "I'm going in every day to help and I wanna be a leader and maybe a drum major hoorah!". Its kinda geeky, but whatevs.
Summer starts tomorrow. Halleluia!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


This History Book will be the death of me!

Monday, June 4, 2007


I suck. With people and schoolwork. I have bad grades in most of my classes...I just hope I can pass this damn year. I need summer, to clear out my head of everything that's happened to me this year. Badly.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Oh, also

How badass are these guys? Man, I kinda want to do this someday...just cruise along the countryside on a motercycle, relaxing and enjoying the scenery. That'd be pretty sweet.


I'm a bad person. It's true. I keep doing the same dumb things over and over, and people get mad at me, and then I just move past it and do it again with other people.

I should just not be allowed to talk to people. Seriously.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Man, I had a cool one of these before, but I totally lost the password and stuff to it. So I made this new one. Whats up? I'm gonna copy over a list I made from an old blog of mine that I thought was kind of funny. Though its probably lame. Oh well.

Things I Do Better Than Dolphins:

1. Hold my breath for under a minute

2. Study polka

3. Waste time

4. Dissapoint my parents

5. Lose Friends

6. Play guitar

7. Memorize Latin Poetry

8. Live on land