Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Finally Done

I finally got my History Book done. At 2 a.m. 'Twas nuts. Finals today. Video Game Design first (which was a joke, it was 20 questions asking like, "whats a bitmap?" "whats collision detection?"), then Latin, which I think I did well on.
Then after school was the band leadership food eating/getting pumped up thing. Andrew Kalemkarian was like, the in charge guy, which was awesome, because Andrew is awesome. I use to live really close to him, before I moved, so it was cool seeing him and all. Plus, he's got these amazingly sweet mutton chops. I'm really pumped up for band, now. Which is odd, because last summer I didn't even want to do band at all. Now I'm all "I'm going in every day to help and I wanna be a leader and maybe a drum major hoorah!". Its kinda geeky, but whatevs.
Summer starts tomorrow. Halleluia!

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