Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Question

Dear Silvertones Letters,

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Schools Out!

Ah, school is over today! Glorious summer! (although I stayed at school until 3 today for band stuff). It was fun, though. Even though we had to like, orginized music. At the end we got to listen to music we might play next year. Some of the songs were really cool, and some of them just kinda sucked. And there were at least 5 different Santana songs.

If anyone wants to chill this summer, lemme know. My plans include kicking it, and maybe getting a job at like, WaWa or Wendy's or something.

And remember - The Dude Abides

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Oh yeah

My power was out from 5:30 p.m. yesterday till sometime this morning. They had to rewire my whole street and stuff. It sucked.

Finally Done

I finally got my History Book done. At 2 a.m. 'Twas nuts. Finals today. Video Game Design first (which was a joke, it was 20 questions asking like, "whats a bitmap?" "whats collision detection?"), then Latin, which I think I did well on.
Then after school was the band leadership food eating/getting pumped up thing. Andrew Kalemkarian was like, the in charge guy, which was awesome, because Andrew is awesome. I use to live really close to him, before I moved, so it was cool seeing him and all. Plus, he's got these amazingly sweet mutton chops. I'm really pumped up for band, now. Which is odd, because last summer I didn't even want to do band at all. Now I'm all "I'm going in every day to help and I wanna be a leader and maybe a drum major hoorah!". Its kinda geeky, but whatevs.
Summer starts tomorrow. Halleluia!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


This History Book will be the death of me!

Monday, June 4, 2007


I suck. With people and schoolwork. I have bad grades in most of my classes...I just hope I can pass this damn year. I need summer, to clear out my head of everything that's happened to me this year. Badly.