Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Purple Rain

Blah blah blah emotions.

Let me go to college.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Oh Superfly!

Who's in the mood for math?

Social = emotions + interations

Interactions = skills + social

Emotions = lame + annoying


Social = lame + annoying + skills + lame + annoying + skills repeated

Turn up the funk, get down, and don't fucking judge me on what other people say. I am my own person. If you judge me based on what other people say, you're worse off in my book. Get to know someone before you make an opinion on someone. If you don't know them, don't make the opinion about them. Simple as that.

Its easy for me to tell who really knows me, because people who don't know me seem to have reached this conclusion that I'm a horribly perverted asshole. People who actually know me get that that is a character I use often when I get bored to entertain myself.

Moral of the story - I'm not creepy. Fuck everyone. Girls are lame because they won't talk to me. Some of my friends are becoming lame to impress girls. Which is lame.

God damn high school is fun

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Helmet Touch!

Happy New Years everybody. I leave you with this.

Friday, December 28, 2007


Shit shit shit. My glasses just broke. Shit.

Edit: Nevermind, I fixed them. Boo yah. I'm a beast.


So Christmas was fun...I got a bunch of cool stuff. Nothing big, but I didn't ask for anything big, so I'm happy. Tonight I went to see "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat" with my family at the Media Theatre...the tickets were a Christmas gift from my dad. It was pretty good. One of the brothers was awesome...I think his name was Ari Butler, and he was hilarious. When he first came on stage, he was just really reserved and sedate looking, and I almost thought he was drunk at first, then I just realized thats how he was acting. It was amazing. He reminded me of John Belushi, who was a genius.

Breaks been fun so far, but kinda not break-ish...I've had family stuff to do every day so far, so I haven't gotten to hang out with any of my friends yet. But if anyone wants to hang out before break ends, or just like, ever, let me know. Chances are I'll be free lol


Friday, December 14, 2007


Jamming last night was fun. But nobody informed me today was "National Be A Jackass Day". This is how most of my conversations were today -

Me: Hey, what's up?
Other Person: Piss off. Why haven't you killed yourself yet? You ruin everything, I hate you.

Yeah. Needless to say, I was done with dealing with people by the time 4th block ended, so I skipped I'm trying to make plans for tonight, but Karl basically told me he didn't want to hang out with me, in so many words, so yeah...I'll probably just end up alone tonight, doing nothing. w00t.

P.S. Sorry about the ads on my page now, but Google said that if I put them on there, I can get paid, which is awesome.