Saturday, July 7, 2007

Enter The Dragon

Well, right now I'm laying on a couch in the McShane's living room, watching "Enter The Dragon", a kung-fu movie, with Brian, and writing this blog on Brendan's laptop. This movie is pretty funny, although I don't think it was intended to be. There's a very stereotypical black guy who talks in jive and has an afro. Good ol' 70s. My parents are away this weekend celebrating their 26th anniversary in New York, hence why I'm staying at the McShanes. I've had fun. I got here Thursday night, and played Gears of War with Brendan. We went to sleep around 1 A.M., and when I woke up the next morning we finished playing the game. Then we started playing some Rainbow 6, but were very frusterated by the difficulty of the game. I made a World of Warcraft character on Brendan's account...the game's alright. I see why some people can get so addicted to it. It's fun, but it's just not really my thing. Then we just chilled some, and later went out for dinner with Katie, another family friend named Becca, and one of Katie's friends from Earlham, Stephen. We went to Nifty 50's, which is always a good time. I'm staying in Laura's room, which is cool, but kind of weird, because I remember when she was still in high school, and now she's TEACHING high schoolers in San Franciscio.

Summer's been alright so far. During the weekdays, I've been going to school in the morning (8:30ish till 1ish) to help out Mr. Hontz at the Summer Band and Strings School. I've been doing mostly busy work that just needs to be done, like cleaning out the locker room, or orginizing/fileing music, but I've also been able to play alone with some of the groups when neccesary, and help out with a few of the lessons. I'm enjoying it. I'm really considering taking up a music major for college, or do smoething with music with my life. I don't think I'd like to teach it, though. Not right away, anyways. There are a lot of other things I'd prefer to do.

Speaking of college, I got my report card. It's not that great...a D+ in Math, a C+ in Latin, and I think a B- in U.S. History. I'm going to have to repeat IMP 4 this year, which means I have to drop one of my electives. :( Also, my parents arn't even going to consider me getting my driving permit until the first report thing comes home from school, which is going to be in like, October. Its lame, but I understand why they're doing it. I can't wait to drive. It is going to be FANTASTIC!

Well, I'm going to go now. Its been fun blogging. I'll update this later on this week. Bye bye.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

My head is a crazy, crazy place.